My sweet/stubborn little girl turned six. Very hard to imagine that she has been with us six years. I don't know what we did before we had her.
Lilly LOVES school still. Has been "bullied" by a boy on the playground and twice wrestled/pushed him to the ground. She got in trouble one of those time because she was caught by the teacher. As a Mama it makes me proud because she stands up for herself and doesn't let people bully her or take advantage. As a teacher I am supposed to say "keep your hands to yourself" but that kid had it coming. He was trying to kiss my little girl. Hope this last for a lifetime :)
Lilly weighs 50lbs and still has a hard time finding pants to fit. She is slim and tall. She tolerates Jackson, but not big on sharing attention or toys. Jackson LOVES Lilly and always wants to be with her doing whatever she is doing.
Still dancing and decided to sign up for t-ball. We tried to convince her to play soccer because she is fast and I think this sport would hold her attention more, but she is determined to play t-ball.
She still likes to snuggle with her Mama. After school she will crawl in my lap and just let me hold her a few minutes and that is the best part of my day. Lilly is very crafty and artistic and loves to spend her time making things.
she is my snuggle bug, sugar pie.
PS: She got a splinter in her behind on the playground today. Just another example of whey she is Heidi's because that is so something that would happen to Heidi Drew.
Awww, happy birthday Lilly! I sure do miss her- she always made me laugh and was always so sweet to my girls. =)