Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where she SHINES!

Lilly was born to be a dancer and maybe an actress. Lilly didn't complain as much about going to dance this year....meaning it wasn't a weekly struggle to get her there once I learned it is not worth the fight she just AIN'T wearing tights.

So Lilly and her class were AMAZING at dancing. KUDDOS to the teachers because they do an AWESOME job. I was amazed by by all the dancers and how much energy and love for dance they have. I went to a recitial a few weeks before Lilly's and it was good, but it just wasn't the same. Louisburg School of Dance is great and they sure inspire students to DANCE! Lilly danced with all of her heart and that makes my heart pound with pride and joy!

This is why::::

Lilly played t-ball only because she wanted to have a trophy like her Daddy. I will say Lilly "knocked the stink" out of the ball (those were her words not mine and I don't know where she heard that) during the last game. T-ball was quiet stressful for Jonathan and me....we were WAY more concerned about how Lilly played than Lilly. She was there to socialize and have fun. Her goal was accomplised she had lot's of fun. Towards the end she told me she needed a "pretty costume" cause the one she had for t-ball was ugly and the shoes hurt her feet. That is my little DIVA for you. She sure makes me proud when those words leave her mouth and I can look at Jonathan and say "told you so!" Anyway we had an AWESOME coach and if Lilly decides to play next year I hope we get Coach Rice again. He was BEYOND patient and his goal was for the kids to hit the ball and run the bases and not about winning. Our goal was for Lilly to be a part of a team and I think she did a great job!

Warning Naked Little Fellow: But sooo cute!

Jonathan was not happy to come home to this......

But hey it's summer and it is HOT! I was watering flowers and had gone to the front of the house when I returned to the water Jackson was naked and had his head under the faucet. I couldn't help but laugh and run for the camera. We watch Pecos Bill and this scene reminds me of Pecos Bill running with the coyotes. That would be Jackson....Pecos BIll wild and free. I can't get but so mad because he does the darnedest things.

Turtle Power

We were alerted to this by Shelby barking. Shelby has gone deaf so she doesn't bark often. I was afraid I would round the corner and find a snake. So I got the broom and told the kids to come and stay on the deck to watch. (Cause I ain't tounching a turtle) and as I was flipping the turtle over Jackson shouts from above "Shoot it Ma, Shoot it" He has become obessed with guns ever since Grandaddy taught him how to shoot the b-b gun and shoot squirles (which sounds like girls when he says it) I didn't shoot the turtle nor did Jackson, but only because he didn't have his gun here. He is SOOOOO serious when "hunting" squirles with Grandaddy. I just stand at the window and watch and laugh. Boys are really a whole new world.