My sweet babby girl LOVES school and I hope this continues for years! I really think she just LOVES being in a social setting.
First day Lilly got right up , got dressed and ready with no problems. Jonathan went to school with us the first day and we walked Lilly to class. Lilly went right in put up her "stuff" and sat down to work. J and I left shortly after because there were ALOT of parents in that little room. I had said all along I wasn't going to cry b/c I was not emotional about Lilly starting school....I cried all the way back to my classroom. Day 2 I walked Lilly to her classroom. Day 3 I walked Lilly to the end of the hall and she sent me back. Day 4 Lilly wanted to go by herself to class. SO I got to walk her for 3 days...that was a little sad. Day 4 Teacher Assisant told me she saw Lilly walking to class and she had stopped to talk to everyone she knew along the way. I told her to please send her on her way, but she said Lilly wasn't being rude or out of the way just stopping to say Hello. She is SOOOOOO much like her Daddy.
I get to see Lilly at lunch everyday because we have the same lunch time. I have worried most about her getting hungry, but she eats lunch, snack, and eats again as soon as she gets to my room each day. Lilly has come home talking about a certain girl in her class that has to pull apples quite a bit and that this girl doesn't know that pulling apples is bad. The more she talked about this girl I became worried that she might not be making a wise choice for a friend, so I made a point to meet this girl at lunch yesterday. This is a little girl who is "special needs" and at that point all of my worry about Lilly's friendship turned to pride. She has befriended the underdog and was helping her with her lunch and telling her what she should do not to get in trouble. My heart is full of pride because Lilly always seems to gravitate toward the "different" person and try real hard to be their friend. I hope she will always have this compassion. NOW that doesn't mean Lil is perfect, she is still moody and stuborn, but I sure do love her. She also marked her conduct for making a noise during class time. She was terribly upset b/c she knew that she would be in trouble. That was her warning and now if she does this again she will have a consequence BUT really how many of us could go all day and be perfect without talking or slipping up here and there?
This story brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful mother to have raised such a special young lady. You have every right to be beaming with pride at your sweet Lilly. (Even on those days when she's not so sweet!)