Over the past week Lilly has had the following to say about school.
-The librarian is The Library Boss, The Writing Teacher is The Book Writing Teacher, and my favorite, The Couselor is Sunshine Girl. She has loved going to specials and the being exposed to new things.
Ove the course of the week she has shown her perfection issues in Homework and Art. She has meltdowns when asked to draw herself because she just can't draw people. THis is defintily a Jonathan trait because I would not care less.
Last night as we were talking before going to bed Liilly asked me "What is tomorrow?" I answered "Friday" Lilly "Can you remind me tomorrow?" Me: "Yes, Why?" Lilly: Because Caroline always get the answer right and tomorrow I am going to get the right answer."
That is how we have always gotten Lilly to learn new things, telling her her friends can do it. She doesn't like to be the kid who doesn't know.