This is our busy time of year. EOG's with school, me tutoring, Lilly dance and t-ball, and church. It seems I am never home and do not know how I will manage when Jackson starts "going" places.
SO I will do a quick review of the last month in pictures. I have yet to figure out how to put captions for each picture so I will do a run down.
-Jackson loves going to church. He says "I go to church and play with my friends." He loves to play. When I ask him does he want to go to school and make friends he says "No, I stay with Mama." Once his response was "No, I drive tractors."
-Every day Jackson wants to wear his jeans and work boots no matter how warm it is outside. He has takes to doing exactly what Daddy and Grandaddy do and LOVES to be in the middle of a mess.
-Lilly registered for Kindergarten. She is SOOOOOOOO excited. She wanted to quit preschool and start big school that day.
-Lilly is playing t-ball. It is VERY stressful for Jonathan and me. Lilly has fun and that is ALL that matters. We know she could do much better, but until she really wants to she plays for the fun of it. It is fun to watch and I have noticed between me, Mom, and J's Mom our team has the largest and loudest cheering section. She told us last week she wanted to play something where there was a better "costume". She doesn't like the helmet and cleats. OH WELL!
-Dance recital #2 is coming up. Lilly has really enjoyed dance this year. I don't have to argue with her to get dressed and go and she truly LOVES dancing on stage. Kuddos to the dance teachers b/c they do an AWESOME job with a young group of girls who really just like to play.
-We took a family vacation to BUsh Gardens. Lot's of fun. Lilly only got lost once and that undid my nerves for a while. We had had a major talk with her about "stranger danger" because she thinks everyone can be her friend. That didn't stop her from running off on the playground. The hotel had an indoor pool and both kids had the most fun there. Jackson LOVED the rides. He had the most solom expression on every ride. We were not going to let him ride the teacups b/c it looked a little too much, however he laid down and cried when we took him out of line so he got to ride with Jonathan. Mama and Jonathan did most of the riding. It was a fun time with many memories.
-As I was typing this with Jackson sitting at the bar behind me he fell face first off the 3foot bar stool. He is going to scare the life out of me yet.
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