Lilly would be nothing other than "Belle" This has been her favorite princess since seeing the "Beauty and Beast" play last spring. She found fake hair at the DOllar Tree and I had to bribe her not to wear it trick or treating. I did find the hair hanging on the towel rack (very nicely laid out) the next day. This has become her most prized possession. She is not hard to please with gifts...the junkier the better.
Jackson was a cowboy. He doesn't like any kind of mask or costume. We went to a church carnival and a lady had on a butterfly mask...Jackson screamed like a girl and had everyone in the church looking at him.
I made the kids Ghost costumes to play with...they had fun for about 30 mins walking around saying "BOO"
Lilly took a beautiful Halloween picture at Gran's. We didn't have time before church Sunday to take one here...imagine that!
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