I usually take the day off to spend with the kids on their birthday and we do something fun. Well both kids and Jonathan had been sick all week so I felt guilty not sending Lilly to school for the first time that week and Jackson doesn't play without Lilly. So for his special day we went to BJ's and then picked Lilly up from school. We did have lunch with Gran and Grandaddy and rode the "Lilly" car. JOnathan was able to get off early so when we got home Jackson was able to ride his new tractor and Lilly chased him on the Gator. It works much better having something for each of them to drive. Jackson's driving is still a little dangerous, but then so is Lilly's only because she doesn't pay attention to what she is doing.
So he got his tractor from Mama,Daddy, Gran, Grandaddy, Granny, and Papa and has loved every minute of it. He is too cute driving....it was worth every penny. His expression when he opened the tractor was priceless. He was fun to watch opening gifts this year. He was excited to open the gifts and actually acknowledged what was in them. A few 2 year old Jackson facts.
-He still LOVES Lilly, but has started to turn his mischief on her too. He can get the best of her and that makes me smile. When she is not here he asks for her constantly.
-Weighs 33lbs
-Extremely hot natured
-Hates wearing shoes and socks....could be a long winter.
-Calls the names of his friends at church. When you ask him who he played with at church his answer is always "Grace"
-Tries to say most anything you ask him to. He has quite mastered all the sounds, but I know what he is saying.
-"HUH" is his favorite word. We follow by Mam or Sir and he will say this and the next second "HUH"
-Very loving...comes up to you randomly and says "hold" and then gives a big hug and kiss
-Will no longer say "I love you" I miss that.
-Likes to talk on the phone, but will only say "Hey"
-Still loves Grandaddy with all his little heart
-When we call Heidi he promtly ask for Rob. When I asked Jackson who took him fishing "Rob" was his answer. He loves Rob too.
-All boy, rough and tumble. THis is still a new world for me.
-Don't know if it is the terrible two's or if a boy nature but there is a lot mischief coming out in the Little Fellow
-Holds his Mama's heart in his hand. Can look at me and say "PLLLEASE" and I have a very hard time saying no or staying mad.