As a Mom it is very hard when your little one has their feelings hurt. I will be the first to tell you Lilly is stubborn, difficult and simply not perfect. That doesn't mean my heart doesn't hurt when her feelings are hurt. Twice last week she had her feelings hurt by others. Once at school and once at a birthday party. I knew Lilly's feelings were hurt because she wouldn't talk about it. Those who know Lilly know this is unusual for her. She is the youngest in her class at school and among her cousins she plays with, which leaves for her being left out. I realize this, but it is hard to explain to Lilly why people don't always want to play with her. Oh the Joys of growing up. It really saddened me to realize this is just the beginning for her! SO much to learn at such an expense.
On a brighter note, when she was left out at the party she was off alone and Jonathan went to ask her what she was doing. "Looking for Charlotte" was her response. She does love Charlotte's Web. I think we have a total of about ten pigs and they are lined up on her bed. She loves each of those Wilbur's!
Also: If anyone can tell me how to change the font color of this blog please let me know. The tool for that has disappeared from by tool bar!
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