Lilly has hit some kind of emotional roller coaster and I am ready to jump off! She can be fine one minute and having a complete break down the next. We have taken away all of her toys, her blanket, and even her Christmas tree. Over the past week she also had to earn pennies to go to a birthday party. That seemed to work the best. I was seriously at my wits end with her mouth, but she is learning slowly to tell us what makes her angry. Usually clothes are the trigger for her meltdowns which means going to church on Sunday mornings is usually a battle of the will between me and her over tights and her sleeves being just the right length or fitting tight enough. We are even to the point her hairbows have to be tight and not floppy. I am SOOOOO NOT LIKE this, so I have no idea why she has these reactions. I also think she is battling for attention. SHe has been sleeping on the couch, which sounds cruel, but it is better than being in our bed. THis used to be Mommy and Lilly time. I have tried to make a point of doing something special with just her each night. We will see how the next few weeks go. I hope she gets better b/c I would hate to have to give her CHristmas presents away and that is the next step.
I do LOVE her and I just want others to see the good in her also. SHe can be so loving and kind. Today at a birthday party a little girl was crying and wouldn't leave her Mama (she was very shy). Lilly went right up to her and said "Come on with me and play." SO off they went. Sometimes it is nice to have an outgoing personality.
Jackson is still full of mischief. I am knocking on wood, but I don't know how we haven't been to the emergency room with him yet. He climbs anything and laughs when I catch him. I have had to take the bar stools out of the kitchen b/c he would climb onto the counter and throw dishes. After many spankings I felt it was best just to remove the temptation. He has now began sleeping with us from about 2-3am until morning. (GET rid of one, Get another) He also gets up when I get up and wants to be right under me, talking constantly as I get ready for work. He no longer cries when I leave, but says "Mama work? Be careful" He can be so darn sweet. He is putting more and more words together and it is so fun to hear him. He gets so excited that his words run together and do not make much sense. He LOVES CHristmas lights and whenever we pass them he says "OOOOH Mama Look" He has also starting to ask to go to Grans. At bedtime he says "JackJack go Gran's house"
I thank God multiple times daily for healthy children, who can express themselves. I also spend alot of time asking for patience.