Jackson is now 20 months old. WOW! So close to two and showing all signs of being all boy. He is still so very loving and sweet, but sure knows how to cause mischeif.
-Has pooped on the potty several times, peeing less (this is a challenge from a girl from an all girl world.)
-cookie, pee-pee, cold, hot, Lilly, Gran, Daddy, Mama, Papa, Granny, dog. chewing gum, go (he says whenever I stop the car), lawn mower, shoes, golf-cart, night-night, love you, corn, pop tart, juice, lawn mower, out, hold = most of his vocabulary
-LOVES to dance to music, he is supposed to sing in church Sunday, but I don't see that happening. He will be too worried about getting to Mama or Grandaddy.
-Cries when he is taken off the lawn mower
-Still really loves his Mama. Cries when I leave him, even if it is with Gran
-LOVES LOVES LOVES Lilly. I hope that she will one day realize how much he loves her and love him that much.
-Likes to sleep by himself in his bed
-Loves to talk on the phone
-Ketchup is his favorite food
-Makes cute silly faces
-Plays hard, but is very sweet in his play, he let's the bigger kid get the toy. We will have to work on taking up for himself.
-Takes 2 hour naps.
-Goes to bed at 8:30, sleeps about 12 hours. This is the only time he let's me hold him to sleep.