We had a very blessed CHristmas. Our children are healthy and for the most part healthy. Santa was the hightlight of Lilly's day. She was so excited she even slept in her bed all night. (We wish there was motivation for that daily. Jonthan told her if she didn't stay in her bed the next night he was going to spank her, she came to my side of the bed about 3am and said "Mama scoot over so Daddy can't see me.") THe children got a battery gator together however Jackson LOVES this and says "Car, Car!" everytime he sees it. Lilly drives, threw him out on their first trip. He really needs a seatbelt with her driving. Lilly got lot's of Barbies and stuff. SHe has really started to enteratin herself with these and babydolls. Lilly also helped make cupcakes for a birthday party for JEsus and that was a special time at church.
Jackson still doesn't talk. His vocabulary is very limited. He knows ball and each night watches football with Jonathan and continually says "ball, ball" Other than Da and Hat that is about all he will say. Of course with Lilly around he doesn't get too much of a chance. He likes to be held, mainly by me which can be very tiring! Lilly is growing so fast, it is hard to believe she is almost four. She is very determined in her ways and it is almost impossible to change her mind once she is set on doing something. She loves to go and socialize with anyone who will partcipate. She really does make me smile, when I am not furious with her :)