My little fellow is not so little anymore (never really has been.)
-Weight 24 lbs and 31 inches. (Lost two pounds in a week since going off formula that included two scoops of cereal in each bottle.)
-Head off the charts.
-Walking, running everywhere, mainly into someones waiting arms.
-Not yet talking. He will point and grunt to get the things he needs. Just this morning at 4am he was awake and sitting beside me he would grunt and point out of the room. He wanted milk.
-He will sign "More" usually for food.
-LOVES to play with Lilly, ride tractors and the lawnmower, LOVES Mama and Grandaddy!
-When I walk into the house in the afternoon the highlight of my day is Jackson running up to me with his arms outstretched.
-Gives kisses to very few. Me occasionally and Brandy all the time!
-WIll blow kisses
-Thought he was not going to give up the bottle. Took just a week for him to go to bed without the bottle. He does drink soy milk.
-The only words he attempts to say, "ball", "da", "car"
-Doesn't like for Lilly to cry, which happens a lot because she stays in trouble.
-Very tenderhearted. When told "NO" he pokes his lips out and cries like his heart is broken.
-Very much the apple of his Mama's Eye!