Our chuch had a father/child camping trip this past Friday night. Lilly was sooooo excited to go camping with her Daddy. My Mama and I were VERY worried about this. Jonathan has never had either of our children all night by himself. I only agreed for Lilly to go because she will tell me everything and she is able to tell Jonathan everything she needs. My Mom gave her all sorts of rules that Lilly was able to recite by the time I got home on Friday and they all ended with "Tell Daddy".
Needless to say after all the worry, Lilly and Jonathan had a great time and she was not involved in any drama that may have occured. The biggest event of the night was having to potty in the woods. Jonathan discovered that this wasn't that easy for a girl. Lilly had a cot and slept just fine. Jonathan for some reason decided not to take an air mattress and didn't sleep so great. I for one was glad to see them come home!